Features To Look For When Purchasing A Small Paint Sprayer To Paint Your Car After Doing Auto Body Work
If you decide to do auto body work on your vehicle on your own, you are going to need to paint your vehicle. Painting your vehicle with cans of spray paint can be costly and tiring on your hands. If you want to do your own body work, it is best to purchase a small paint sprayer to use to repaint your vehicle and source paint from the manufacturer for the task. Here are a few traits to look for when purchasing a small home sprayer.
#1 Focused Spray Patterns
Small paint sprayers produce a variety of different spray patterns. If you want to repaint your vehicle and have it look like a professional did it, you are going to want to purchase a small paint sprayer that comes with a tight and focused spray pattern. When the spray pattern is too large, you end up with foggy edges and paint splatter. You want the spray pattern to be more focused so you can control the spray pattern and make it look as smooth and detailed as possible.
#2 Adjustable Spray Pattern
In addition to a focused spray pattern, you should also go with a paint sprayer gun that has an adjustable spray pattern. Look for one where you can change to a vertical pattern, horizontal pattern, or round pattern. This will allow you to change the size of the pattern to best fit the area that you are sprayer.
#3 No Need to Thin Paint
Some paint sprayers require you to thin the paint before you spray the paint through the sprayer. However, that can be a lot of work. Try to find a paint sprayer that does not require latex paint to be thinned out. This can help make the process of painting your vehicle a little simpler and easier, so go for a paint sprayer where you don't have to thin the paint.
#4 Brass Tips & Needles
Next, pay attention to what the tips of the sprayer are made out. The best sprayers, even the small size sprayers, come with brass spray tips and needles. The brass spray tips are really durable and last a lot longer than plastic spray tips. They also tend to be easier to remove and clean, and last longer than plastic and other sprayer tips and needles.
If you plan on doing auto body work on your vehicle, you are going to want to make sure that you purchase a small paint sprayer with a focused spray pattern and adjustable pattern sizes. Go for one where you don't have to thin the paint to use it, and look for a sprayer with brass tips and needles that are easier to clean and more durable than a plastic based spraying nozzle.
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