Collision Centers: What To Expect For Repair Services

Automobile accidents are scary and extremely stressful for anyone involved. Even if you are lucky enough to escape without injuries, your vehicle most likely has a lot of damage from the crash. It can be a huge burden to figure out how to get your vehicle fixed in a reasonable time. Most people only have one vehicle, so when the vehicle is out of commission due to collision damages, it makes it difficult to get to work and other places. [Read More]

Tinted Windows And Auto Glass Repair: Get Answers To The Questions You Have

Flying debris can hit your windshield and leave a chip or a crack behind. If this occurs to you, you likely know that you should have the glass repaired quickly to help ensure that the chip or crack does not grow or spread. But if you have window tint on your windshield, you may have many questions about how the tint may or may not affect your auto glass repair. Here are a few of the questions you may have and the answers. [Read More]

Monster Problems With Truck Collisions And Why You Should Not Skip Repairs

Remember when you were a kid and you would play with your little cars and trucks? What vehicles did the most crashing and pretend damage? It was probably your trucks, because trucks are bigger and less likely to receive damage in an accident. The truth is, you instinctively knew that cars take the brunt of the damage in these situations. Still, that does not mean that trucks are never going to be damaged, just that they will have less damage than the car or cars around them that have collided with your truck. [Read More]

Three Signs Your Car's Windshield Has Not Been Properly Installed

If you have recently have a new windshield installed, you are going to want to spend the first few days ensuring that it has been installed correctly. The reason being that there is a chance the professionals didn't install the windshield as properly as they should have and it could compromise your ability to stay safe in your vehicle since the windshield protects you in the event of a crash. Here are three signs that your car's windshield hasn't been installed properly: [Read More]